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Daily Archives: August 24, 2016

The continuation of my ramblings

Let me preface this blog post with saying that I thought starting a blog would be easy. >>>LONG DRAMATIC PAUSE<<< Clearly I was mistaken! I had no idea I needed to be an IT guru to get this thing started!! And let me be clear, just in case the last sentence was not… I AM NOT AN IT GURU! I consider myself to be very slightly tech savvy, in the way that I own an iPhone. Not that hey I can rewire your server…. Starting the blog was closer to rewiring the server than finding Facebook on my iPhone I assure you. But I digress… I am here, so we move forward.

My first post was really just getting to know me, so I guess we can move a little further into that. I have 4 of the cutest Pooters (our nickname for the dogs) you could ever ask for. They are like Jody and I’s children. And like little children, even with their cute little angelic faces… they like to tear shit up. It’s a good day when we come home and there has NOT been a flip-flop that has met its demise, or trash from the bathroom that has been spread from one end of our 1,000 square foot home (yes we deserve an award for piling this much crap into such small living quarters) or just someone who even with my Daddy’s futile attempt to let the girls out 10 times in the 8 hour period they are trapped in these horrible conditions a.k.a. air-conditioned and yes even heated in our terrible south Texas winters (no really they are terrible, I don’t like to be cold), beds and blankets galore for whatever color, thickness, texture or area of the house that your little heart desires for the day, has managed to pee right in front of the door. ***See how crazy my thoughts are. I was typing this and completely forgot where my thought even began, or where I was headed… oh look something shiny.*** But they are cute. We have Roxy, she is the matriarch of our pups.  She pretty much let’s everyone know how the house is ran, but she really just wants to lay with Daddy and “watch t.v.” a.k.a. take a nap. Daisy Lynn, well that is my little princess. She is a AKC Maltese, but she is a big Maltese, 8lbs! We don’t tell her that. She thinks she is dainty, prissy and runs this show. All the commoners can kiss her paws. She is very aware of her princess stature. Then we have Annie pants. How this poor dog ended up with pants as her middle name, I will never know… but it stuck. So here she is, pants and all. She is the most beautiful tri-colored Mini Aussie with the prettiest crystal blue eyes. She is a very striking dog. And she is probably the most affectionate dog I have ever had. She would like to sit with, touching you, being petted, licking you 1000’s of times and repeating. That’s it… her day is made. The last of our little puppy tribe is Laci. She was an adoption. I went to the animal shelter (which just FYI unless you want me coming home with a new addition to our brood, keep me away from here!) to help my sister find a dog… she left without a dog and we had a new dog. Funny how that works! Adopting her was a very emotional process. I knew deep down we were supposed to have her for some reason and I did not back down from my very dear, sweet and understanding husband when he told me we had 3 dogs and we really did not NEED a 4th dog. I told him I completely understand his logic; however, she would be coming home with us. So we compromised and got a dog!

***A cute little side note, Jody and I took a cruise in December 2015. We were sitting on the beach enjoying the sun (remember my earlier mention of not enjoying the cold… I was really basking in the glory of this very warm sun and beach… but back to my story). There was a couple standing over there >>>flailing arms<<< talking and they said they never wanted to go home; Jody softly says, “if you had Pooters as good as ours, you would”.  They really do make our life happy!!

My four-legged animals bring us such joy… but there is some heartache involved, which brings me back to my horse, Walter. He is gorgeous. No really he is very striking. He is about 15.2, wears about 82/84 blanket, just naturally muscular. And he is the most beautiful bay color you have ever seen. ***And for all of my non-horse friends, I just described Channing Tatum… Please proceed*** I had such high hopes for him. He was gorgeous, good minded and went around doing whatever I threw in front of him today. But I called him my cripple, because he had a mystery injury that even the $15,000+ at the vet could not diagnose. In the process of trying to diagnose him, he broke his navicular bone. Every day is a crap shoot with us. He is still gorgeous and good minded (most of the time). Maybe one day we can get and KEEP him sound. Right now, he thinks he is a dog and should be kept in the house. But really he is just decoration for the barn… lol

Clearly my animals are a large portion of my life. Is this not the norm for everyone? Because this seems completely acceptable to me! I want to have places that my pups (and maybe a horse on occasion) can go with me for dinner, a movie, shopping, etc. Not everyone’s thought? Ok, just more of me and my craziness. I have come to terms with this though, so all is well.

I hope that my blogs get more informative, or interesting or whatever exactly they are supposed to be. Next up… a cake! I promise!

Stay Tuned and Stay Fabulous!