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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Seriously?!?! Who packs like this?!?!

I never really thought I had an issue packing. I mean overpacking. On the norm, if I stay somewhere like my sister’s while she is out of town my packing is minimal. Like I am lucky if I remember my hair brush… just joking. But I do only bring essentials for a night or so. For the most part I am a really low key person. My hair is pulled back and out of the way and may makeup is minimal or nonexistent (thank God for snapchat filters lol). As I have said before I like to sleep so I would rather spending my primping and preening time for pillow time… all P’s so pretty much the same thing in my eyes. But tell me I am going on a road trip that includes unknown adventures and climates and goodness gracious I have ended up with the largest piece of luggage full of only my clothing, a bag of shoes, a bag of makeup/hair products/tools, a bag of jackets and the final bag if full of bras and a couple more pairs of shoes. Seriously?!? What kind of sane person packs like this? I am fairly certain my wires got crossed and I THOUGHT WE WERE BOARDING THE TITANIC!!!

My husband too overpacks, not near to the degree as me, but it is there. Jody is very particular about things (for those of you who know him this may come as a shocker hahaha trying saying that with a straight face). So with the condition that both of us suffer with, we ended up with a completely full backseat on a 3/4 ton Ford. I will say my saddle is in the mix of this but that just added a higher degree of Tetris talent when packing the truck. If I had chose to leave the saddle I could have brought more shoes, or another purse because let’s all address the elephant in the room. How the hell did I leave the house with only one purse in tow?!? I think the over abundance of bags that found their way in to my truck have helped suffice this need.

I get that I needed options for this trip (which clearly I have) but what was I thinking packing two of our closets and half of the dresser? I mean seriously we are headed north in the fall and we packed multiple swimsuits each. I doubt there will be a need for one swimsuit let along for multiples… But better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. So if that is the philosophy we are rolling with I am prepared for any beaches we encounter, a snow storm, a formal dinner, bar hopping and of course with the saddle in tow, any great legged ponies we encounter! All because a girl needs options.

As for the makeup that I packed… well this stems from a current obsession. My niece, Emily, told about the youtuber, Jaclyn Hill. I am obsessed with this chic. She is so beautiful and quirky and fun… I watch a makeup tutorial almost every night. So my goal for this trip… Do a Jaclyn Hill look! As one of my very best friends, Bj told me “you don’t wear makeup, you just hoard it”… I plan to change this situation. Because I do love to do my makeup. This may require slightly less sleep… GULP… but I will make it. If this plan does work… I will post an update to this blog post (with pictures)!

In fact I will post an update at the end of this trip to re-evaluate the over packing situation. Did it come in handy? Was it a nightmare moving through 2+ hotels? What we did, etc. See ya soon!

Stay Fabulous!

Forgetfulness… The struggle is real!!

The biggest lie I tell myself everyday is “I will remember that” knowing full well my raggedy ass will not remember that shit in 2 seconds let alone in 20 minutes when I am waiting on a coworker to call me back or when I call my husband to tell him something on my drive home. Seriously I must be the most gullible person ever because I continually believe this lie! Like no joke, 100 times per week. What is so crazy about this is I actually used to remember everything!!! Like people used to ask me “you know the vendor we bought that item from once about 7 months ago… who was it. And I could rattle that shit off. Now, I have trouble remembering who I pay my trash bill to every month… and that is not an exaggeration. I would like to say it is but it is not.

This makes me wonder. Is this me aging? Was it a change that I had removing me from my element and starting a new job after more than 8 years? Is it having our faces buried in our phones 24/7 with a lack of real human interaction? I truthfully do not know what has caused this but I do know it drives me batty!

I like sticky notes. No! I love sticky notes. My desk often times looks like I dissected a sticky note stack that day. Seriously people this is what you pay me for… to dissect sticky notes!! haha! Not truthfully but at times it seems that way. It is the only way I remember things… I must write them down. Or your thought, goes through my head, it is processed and put in a tidy little bin where ultimately it was shredded. So this small little 3×3 pieces of paper with a glorious strip of re-stickiness keeps everything together! Let’s just process that craziness for a moment. My day-to-day success depends on 3 inches wide by 3 inches tall… I mean with the exception of a prostitute who else can say that (ha! I kid… don’t be offended. It is a joke damn it)? Or who else wants to say that? lol I will say the advantage to the sticky note addiction is my desk is decorated at all times with multiple colors and even sizes.

But I digress… the whole point to this post is the forgetfulness. I am not THAT old. I mean if this is happening already I for see myself in diapers by the time I am 40. It is the only logical realization in all of this if I am truly aging at this speed. I mean my niece Emily always tells me I am old, but really, who listens to her anyway?!? I assure you not this forgetful old bat anyway. I started trying to do “brain exercises” to stimulate and strengthen my brain. That was super exciting the first two nights. Now I just hit ignore when that crap pops up on my phone reminding me that I had a workout scheduled. Any tips? Ideas? Or is this really where things are headed?

This is what my drive home everyday resembles. It is a blog post that is perfectly thought out… but sadly is forgotten on the drive home. This time fortunately my husband is driving us while we are vacation bound. And it all came back to me. So I whipped out my handy-dandy Mac and went to typing. Which by the way… I love my Mac. It is only a couple of months old but I do love it.

At this point I am not even sure what my point was lol. I am kidding of course, partially. But it does make me wonder are all the things that people say happen to you because you had kids, or you got a more stressful job or blah blah blah… not really things that happen for any of those reasons but just simply because we are aging.

That is it. Think on this more for yourself and let me know your thoughts. Hopefully one day I will figure out how to remember things or the To Do list tattoo on my previous post may become real!

Stay Fabulous!!

Type A personality for $200 Alex…

I am 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, a Type A personality. Have you gathered that so far? No, I didn’t think so. I know, I just ooze personality from every crack and crevice of my body… and as I get older I have a lot more cracks and crevices, lol… it would be hard to tell with my killer personality and witty charm that exudes from me, lol.

Anyway, now that we go that nonsense out-of-the-way… I am OCD about planning. Like I am preparing to go on vacation and I have been planning for the future of this week so much today, I had to look up what day it was. I literally could not believe it was still Monday. What kind of crazy person am I?!? I am the crazy person that has so much going on this month that I literally feel like October is over already! That is taking planning to a whole new (read CRAZY) level!

Does anyone else obsessively make list and over plan everything?!? Nope, just me? Ok keep it moving, keep it moving. I seriously can drive myself crazy with all of the things I need to do and plan to do when I get home every day. But this meme sums up my life right now…


I plan… but then get nothing done lately. This is so out of character for me. I am in need of breaking this terrible habit! So essentially what I am saying is that I have these crazy lists (both written and in my head) and I am not accomplishing a damn thing, which only makes my crazy lists longer… AND IT IS DRIVING ME MAD!!!

But let’s take recently out of the equation and just talk about being a Type A personality. You know the kind where you cringe when someone steps in and screws up your perfectly planned plan… when they want to move your perfectly planned seating arrangement at your event. It drives you mad… I mean I seriously get mad because have you not seen my list?!? It’s all planned out… lol! I know I am crazy I do not need your judgement! Haha!


My other crazy thing that I do is over think everything. I play out all scenarios in my head, thinking about every last detail that may potentially happen, ask my friends their opinions, weigh the pros & cons… and still I don’t know. It will drive a person batty though, I assure you that! It also drives my friends crazy because they think I don’t value their opinion, or I didn’t take their advice or whatever… I get it! But I am crazy, just not diagnosed, lol.

Anyway, I am in vacation prep mode, so I am trying to get prepared at work, home, the barn, the dogs, and everything in between. We are going to be gone a week so I have to make sure that I restock the dog food and puppy treats before we leave or my dogs will be on strike when I return! I have to make sure that the horses have plenty of feed/hay before we leave and everyone has had everything they are scheduled for (including Sammy’s Cunt-B-Gone as Jody calls it lol… good thing he isn’t running for president, lol.). We make sure all dairy or food in general that will go bad while we are gone is either thrown out or given away. The house needs to be clean and have fresh sheets on the bed so it is ready when we return. I don’t know why we bother to clean the house because the dogs (mainly Laci now) insists on dragging out every single toy that they have. I stopped counting at 37 toys last night. Seriously?!? Not any of the 36 before were adequate? So with the exception of dog toys and all of the dirt and debris the traipse in the house while we are gone… it may be clean, sort of. Of course at work it is the normal day-to-day, but also adding in that all of the filing is done, every single bill I can possibly key has been accounted for and trying to predict anything that anyone may need so it can be here or on it’s way here and nothing is forgotten. It’s exhausting. Why am I leaving again?!? Oh, right… vacationing is fun lol.


I also forgot to mention in all of the gibberish about that I love Holidays!! So I have already started planning Thanksgiving (for home and work) and Christmas (for home and work) and even black Friday because I love to shop and that is a holiday in it’s on right in my book! So remember when I said I feel like October is over… well all of this planning and prepping has me on over drive between vacation, our annual open house at work, all the upcoming Birthdays and Holidays, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH…. I just got it. This is why I look like the above meme. I am on overload and exhausted so that is why I become one with the blanket when I get home, lol. Are you as exhausted reading this as I am laying it all out on paper?!? I feel like you should be!

I will try to do another blog post or two before we leave… then on to the vacation posts!


Stay Fabulous!!