So periodically I am driving along and something just jumps out at me… and I know that must be a blog post. It’s funny how a story can come together. I will make a note of something that pops into my head, on a sticky note no doubt, and when I have time I sit and compose my thoughts. Sometimes I will sit down with my laptop because I am in a writing mood and the stories just bang themselves out! I love those times! And sometimes it is a struggle for me to put into words what I am thinking or feeling. This was something I have thought about several times (since the original thought came to me). But it was a story I knew I wanted to write.
Mom and I were talking the other day about the greatness I have experienced from each of my horses. Where some were strong, others faltered. I had horses that have excelled at being fast and some that were slow. Some were ugly, but crazy talented. And others were just good all around. When I reminisce on all the great horses I have had the opportunity to swing my leg over in my lifetime, it really makes me appreciate each one of them. My first horse was a pony named Blue. He was a ornery pony! But I learned a lot from him… even after he hung me in a tree. I had a cutting mare that was so crazy talented but not very pretty. Dixie was just a plain sorrel and white paint mare and only stood about 14.3, but she was almost as wide as she was tall. Her looks didn’t matter though. When She would go to work on a cow… it was amazing! Poco was my faithful mount for about 14 years. He packed around every niece and nephew that we could throw at him. But he packed Emily and me around more than anyone else. That was a gelding I learned a lot with and from.
But the 3 horses that have the biggest impact on my childhood… were our mares; Sony, Windy and Dunny. We hauled these girls to playdays, open horse shows, trail rides and even Quarter Horse shows when I was younger. These horses were a part of some of my fondest memories growing up. I remember eating popsicles on a hot day at a horse show and picking up my first blue ribbon with them. But Dunny… she is the horse at the top of my list. I rode her every single day. I would come in from school, drop my back pack and head out to the barn to ride. We would be jumpers one day and running at the NFR the next. Some days we rode bareback and some we spent time to actually tack up. I worked on her rollbacks (which I am sure were not correct. they were just fast turns). I would stack buckets on a chair and make our jump course for the day. I would run scenarios through my head of how many times we had won a world championship. And sometimes I would get me a snack, grab ole faithful and ride her to the furthest round bale in the pasture, so we could snack together. She was the best friend a girl could have! She kept every secret I ever told her and participated in every dream I had. She was truly a fabulous one of a kind horse. She carried me to a Rodeo Queen title, she won me my first check at a barrel race and she stood Grand Champion mare at my 4H youth show. There is not a memory of her that I do not treasure. And even after losing her 17 years ago, it still breaks my heart.
Special horses are just that, special! But some are extraordinary. I have been so very blessed with the horses that have been a part of my life! Because of what each of them has given me, continues the desire for moving forward with my horses now. I don’t ever see a time in my life that horses will not be a part of it.
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”~Winston S. Churchill
“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.”~Winston Churchill
“In riding a horse we borrow freedom.” ~Helen Thomson
I told you in my last post I want to commit to writing more consistently. So, here’s the plan Stan… I am going to make a constant effort to post Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. I am planning on Friday being “my designated day” of Fitness Friday?!? Whatcha think? I may post additional times but this gives me something to work towards. Ha! Who am I kidding! I will be good staying on track with 3 days a week in the beginning!
Any who… now that we got that out-of-the-way. I need to tell you that I have quit my coffee addiction. And for whatever reason it has really not been that hard… except that every square inch of my office smells like coffee… I mean seriously are we piping this stuff in to the bathrooms as the most fabulous fragrant air freshener ever?!? Or is it just me that smells the fabulous coffee goodness there?? Just me… oh ok! Good to know! I will say I’ve had a headache for like 3 days but I have helped dull it with the Crystal Light Strawberry (WITH CAFFEEINE) packets for my water! I am sure once the headaches subside… I will feel better. I have never had heartburn or indigestion before… but I think I have had it the past few months off and on. I notice it after I drink iced coffee (not the cold brew) but even after certain foods, like chili. I am assuming it is heartburn. Either way, I clearly need to change-up my eating and drinking habits to try to alleviate this issue! Once I get over my addiction, I will still drink it on occasion but I will not drink it every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Peace out iced coffee… stay tasty my friend, lol.
Here I sit dazed and confused without my normal high dose of caffeine. How do people survive without it?!? How did I go so many years without it?!? I know all will be well (FINGERS CROSSED) once I kick the caffeine habit. I hope that I will come out on the other side a better person, lol. I mean I am not looking for a miracle just looking forward to when I can once again function. Onwards and upwards with my day…
On the positive side of this it has increased my water intake! Which is fabulous! Maybe I should give up sugar now?!? Hahahahahaha!! Let’s not get too carried away with things just yet, lol.
Stay Fabulous!
Kim K.
So, I don’t normally do resolutions for New Year’s. I think it is something you do because everyone else is doing it and you never really commit to the changes/improvements/etc. It’s just my opinion but I think this is why people fail with resolutions. You don’t have to have one just because your BFF has committed to losing weight/getting healthy/going to the gym/ or whatever else people plan on New Year’s! I, instead, look back at the last year and see what I want to change and improve upon. I usually do this after the Jan. 1 (because honestly, I am still caught up in everything going on for holidays and ending the year) and decide on things I need to work on, but I don’t “set a resolution”. I feel like there are so many aspects of our lives that we can constantly improve on. So, that is my mission for the year. Sometimes I do a great job at and other years… it does not go as well, lol.
One thing that I know I need to improve this year… My health!! Of course, this includes losing weight and that sounds so cliché after my previous paragraph. But it is true. But more than just losing weight I want to get healthy and fit! I want to feel better when I ride! I want to ride more! I want to be happier every day! My goal is to start putting myself first and be mindful of my health! I feel like my health has spiraled out of control in the last year-ish and I need to do something now to get it together. I have enough scary health issues that run in my family (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) that I know this is something I do not need to put this off. You can follow my “improvements” on my blog and hopefully keep me inspired along the way.
I also plan to blog more consistently! I enjoy writing and I hope you enjoy reading my craziness! So, I am going to get a plan together that I blog at least X number of days. I even thought about have a designated day that I focus more on something… you know like Taco Tuesday, lol, but that does not align with my health improvement. I will work on it. I have a few ideas but I will let you know what I come up with.
Another plan for improvement, push myself out of my comfort zone. What will this entail?!? I have no idea. But I do know they say you only grow as you push yourself! So, let the pushing begin, lol. Maybe a Vlog post? I have no idea but I do want to try new things and push myself to new heights this year. If you have any ideas, please keep them to yourself! HAHA just kidding! I really do want you to share them… But nothing too wild ok, lol.
I do plan to be the same me in the New year, just better! Making improvements as I go.
Stay Fabulous in 2017!
Kim K.
I am not sure what happened to the month of December! But it is gone! And I have not posted at all this month. I did write a couple of blog posts, but never actually got around to posting them (OK… So, I decided to post my Thanksgiving post before this one to get me back on wagon). This month has been so insanely busy that I truly never made time to just get things posted! Here’s to staying on top of things in 2017.
December has been very much a whirlwind of a month. I was preparing for our Christmas party at work which is planning for 40-45ish people. That includes buying a gift for each person in attendance for our white elephant gift exchange. It is a month of head counts, making lists, checking them more than twice, wrapping, shopping, errand running, more shopping, a lot more wrapping and last-minute touches to everything (including last-minute wrapping lol). In between this and after the Company Christmas party I had to finalize my own plans. And it really makes you lose track of things… like the whole month. On top of this I had a huge project at work that I was trying to get completed which included long days, late nights and working on weekends and holidays. So, that is where the loss of the month comes in lol.
This year I just do not feel like Christmas has come and gone. I did not do any of the normal “December” things. I usually have a cookie party… and I did not. I usually bake a lot… and I have not baked a thing since Thanksgiving (maybe the pies scarred me?!?! Lol) I am usually in the Christmas mood, which I never found this year. And to top it off we did not spend Christmas with my whole Family this year and we were running late to the Christmas celebration with my in-laws. I just feel like Christmas was disheveled. So, Christmas 2016 was very blah to say the least. I am sure we will regroup in 2017 and make it fabulous again!
I know what I need to do… Finish out the year with at least one baking project! Be thankful for the family/people we spent time with for the Holidays. Realize that we had an amazingly busy but successful year. Celebrate all our accomplishments this year and learn from our mistakes.
Here’s to hoping you enjoyed your December/2016 and are looking forward to a wildly successful, entertaining, and blessed 2017!