I am not an insanely religious person. That is not to take away from anyone who is or is not. We just are not regular church goers or prayers. I believe in God and I believe that everyone has their own way of praying/believing/witnessing/experiencing/etc. the way/word of God. Recently I really felt like God put someone in my path that I truly needed that day.
I was having a rough day at work. It seems like everyone that I came in contact with (by phone or in person), had an attitude and anything that could cause a hiccup, did. But by late lunch time… I NEEDED a break! I rarely take a lunch break, let alone actually leave at lunch to eat by myself. But because I did not want to murder anyone… I had to go! Plus, I needed to run an errand for the office. So away I went. Grumbling. Irritated. Tired. Hungry. Thinking of all the things I needed to accomplish for the day and leaving was not getting them done.
I just ran to the Kroger for the errands for the office (after quickly running through the drive thru of Chick-fil-a for my go to grilled nuggets and fruit). Both are just an exit over for us, so I knew it would be fast. I picked up the things on my list while quickly running through my head “Is there anything else that we may need that I did not think about while making this list…”. Once I was hoping I had not forgotten anything, to the checkout stand I went. The lady who checked me out… I have been through her line before. She never strikes me as being happy. But she is never rude. I try to be overly nice so hopefully I leave you in a better mood than when I got there. That was not the case on a day like today… I was just there to get my crap and get out! But the bagger… he touched my heart that day for some reason. He was so overly nice. Very happy to be doing his job. And very eager to make you happy. He asked if he could move my purse from the basket I brought up there to the one he was going to put groceries in. I told him yes of course and thanked him for doing that. As he was trying to bag, the items were not making it to him and he asked the cashier if she could give them to him. She seemed put out, so I just reached over the counter and handed him what he needed. He thanked me for helping. That was when I actually looked at him. He was younger, maybe early 20’s. He had a buzzed haircut, which gave you a perfect view of the long scar on his head. I then realized he had some other disabilities with his arm and with at least one of his legs with the way he walked. These were the physical attributes that I noticed of this young man. But what stood out to me was his excitement to do his job, his willingness to please and his very infectious personality. I can’t tell you one thing that he did that made him stand out, it was just him. But I walked away with thoughts swirling my mind, with the feeling that new life had just been breathed into me. I wondered what gave him the physical scarring that he had? What gave him the infectious personality he had? How did he completely make me take a deep breath and overcome so much negativity for the day? It made me think our days are not guaranteed. Be happy in the moments you have. It made me hope to have that sort of impact on someone in such a short time at some point in my life. It made me slow down, take a deep breath and know that the day/the week/the month will be just fine. Things will come together, and things will get done.
How is someone able to have such a significant impact on someone in such a short, impersonal meeting? I walked out of that store knowing that God put him in my path that day and he made me take notice. I had wished sitting in that parking lot that I had my laptop to type up exactly what my feelings were. The sense of renewal I had in that moment needed to be expressed and shared. I have thought about that brief interaction many times this week, and now almost a week later I found time to pull out my laptop and try to capture what I felt that day. It really moved me.
Do a good deed. Make someone’s day. Ignore the negativity. Inspire someone today. And share what is on your heart. It’ s true that you never know what someone is going through and to never judge a book by it’s cover. Use your positivity and you never know who you will move.
It’s the little things, that make a big difference.
This year I have yo-yoed with dieting, fitness, etc. It has been something I know I need to make a real commitment to, but I had not truly done so, until this month. There are a few driving forces behind it, but mainly it was something Erin and I could do together for the first time in our lives. I would say of the two of us, I have always been health and fitness aware in some fashion. I have done several extreme diets (HCG anyone?), as well as through companies to help you lose weight quickly and I have made longer term commitments to programs like Weight Watchers. Of all the crazy things I have tried, Weight Watchers was by far the most successful. The program teaches you that all food has a value. You have “this much” to spend in a day… you decide if that will be on a cupcake and pizza or more, well-balanced meals throughout the day. I think I could have truly reached my goals on this, if I hadn’t gotten hurt exercising. And to take things a step further, even with dealing with an injury (that I thought at the time was much more severe than it turned out to be) if I had kept with things and not let myself “fall of the wagon”, I would have reached my goals. That is something I am keeping in the forefront of my thought process this go-round.
I have always enjoyed going to the gym, but I like to have someone to workout with. Not that you must be side-by-side or holding hands while skipping to the next machine. But more of the camaraderie you build in the journey you are on. Someone to call when your legs hurt so bad that you contemplating if using the restroom is REALLY that important or can you hold it… for another day?!? Or someone to tell you to get off your lazy @ss and get to the gym, “you have goals to reach that will not be attained from the couch!”. Just to have someone to keep you accountable, on track and working towards the same goals.
I have tried for years to get Erin to join the gym with me… but she was not having that nonsense. So, to say I was shocked when she beat me in joining this go-round is a severe understatement. I was so excited to have someone to go to the gym with! Due to our schedules, we only get to work out a few days a week together, but on those days, we make it count. Like yesterday we took our first ever Zumba class. Erin officially hates me after said class, but we will be back at it tomorrow. It’s truly a love/hate relationship. And we won’t talk about how she felt after leg day. I really enjoy working out with her. I like the fact that we both push each other in areas that the other one of us lacks. We get to the gym to start our program for the day and suddenly two hours has gone by and we are drenched in sweat. It feels good to know each day we have pushed ourselves harder and further than the last.
I will leave it to Erin to share her journey. I am proud of how far she has come on her own. She has made great progress and is not showing any signs of slowing down!
Here’s to you achieving your fitness, weight loss and health goals. We hope to inspire you to be better & stronger in whatever journey you are on.
Stay Fabulous
Kim K.
I have not written anything since January. That’s crazy to think this year has flown by so fast. It is also fitting that this would be the driving the force of me putting pen to paper again (OK really fingers to keys but that sounds crazy, lol.)
So I got a call last Friday that I really never thought I would receive. Daddy called to tell me Poco had gotten cast in the stall and he found him when he went out to feed Friday morning. Erin and Pop got him up, gave him a shot a banamine and monitored him. He seemed to be doing pretty well, just recuperating from a bad situation. I told them to keep me updated and to let me know how he progresses. Everything seemed fine… and then it wasn’t.
Jody called me while I was finishing lunch and told me that maybe I should come home in case the vet doesn’t think it’s good. I calmly said OK. I wrapped up what I was doing at work and headed home. I was really in no hurry, because I had this horse in my life for the last 20 years and I guess I assumed he would be here forever. I had a gut feeling this was the end, but I ignored it. Because 20 years is a long time! Every major event in my life has involved this horse in some form. What do you mean that will not continue? That was the hardest part to stomach. Realizing that I would no longer see him, have him rub white hair all over me on my way somewhere or hear him nicker when I walk in the barn.
I was not there more than 5 minutes before we had to euthanize him. I knew as soon as I saw him, the best thing to do was to let him go and not make him suffer a minute longer than he had to. He was an amazing horse that achieved more than anyone ever believed, other than me. I always thought he was something special, even though we only spent $1500 from a hole-in-the-wall auction, he had more heart than most other horses I have climbed on. That heart took us further than I imagined. He took me to my first Congress, my first world show, we were top ten in the Nation for countless years (in 3 different divisions) and he taught me everything I needed to know at the time. He was the perfect step from my Ol’ Faithful mount, Dunny. He was a pain in my butt at times, and the challenge I didn’t realize I needed. But he took me places I had only dreamed of. He wasn’t the best but he competed with the best and at times won. I couldn’t have asked for a more exciting, challenging or memory filled journey than the one we lived. He was honest and he always tried. He had more personality than most people. You never doubted what he was thinking, good or bad. He had a way, even after all these years, he could challenge me to be better. He just had a way of making you work harder than you had before to climb higher than you had before.
Jody and Erin made the decision to have him cremated. In all honesty they asked me, but I couldn’t think about anything. Not burying him, cremating him or even where I was. He is the first animal I have ever had cremated, but it only seems fitting for the journey we had.
The memories are what you cling to at a time like this. Sometimes they help and sometime they make your heart ache. I would like to think I have spent more time laughing and smiling about the memories this week than crying, but I am not sure that statement is accurate. Either way I can’t help but think any current or future horses have a big set of shoes to fill.
So periodically I am driving along and something just jumps out at me… and I know that must be a blog post. It’s funny how a story can come together. I will make a note of something that pops into my head, on a sticky note no doubt, and when I have time I sit and compose my thoughts. Sometimes I will sit down with my laptop because I am in a writing mood and the stories just bang themselves out! I love those times! And sometimes it is a struggle for me to put into words what I am thinking or feeling. This was something I have thought about several times (since the original thought came to me). But it was a story I knew I wanted to write.
Mom and I were talking the other day about the greatness I have experienced from each of my horses. Where some were strong, others faltered. I had horses that have excelled at being fast and some that were slow. Some were ugly, but crazy talented. And others were just good all around. When I reminisce on all the great horses I have had the opportunity to swing my leg over in my lifetime, it really makes me appreciate each one of them. My first horse was a pony named Blue. He was a ornery pony! But I learned a lot from him… even after he hung me in a tree. I had a cutting mare that was so crazy talented but not very pretty. Dixie was just a plain sorrel and white paint mare and only stood about 14.3, but she was almost as wide as she was tall. Her looks didn’t matter though. When She would go to work on a cow… it was amazing! Poco was my faithful mount for about 14 years. He packed around every niece and nephew that we could throw at him. But he packed Emily and me around more than anyone else. That was a gelding I learned a lot with and from.
But the 3 horses that have the biggest impact on my childhood… were our mares; Sony, Windy and Dunny. We hauled these girls to playdays, open horse shows, trail rides and even Quarter Horse shows when I was younger. These horses were a part of some of my fondest memories growing up. I remember eating popsicles on a hot day at a horse show and picking up my first blue ribbon with them. But Dunny… she is the horse at the top of my list. I rode her every single day. I would come in from school, drop my back pack and head out to the barn to ride. We would be jumpers one day and running at the NFR the next. Some days we rode bareback and some we spent time to actually tack up. I worked on her rollbacks (which I am sure were not correct. they were just fast turns). I would stack buckets on a chair and make our jump course for the day. I would run scenarios through my head of how many times we had won a world championship. And sometimes I would get me a snack, grab ole faithful and ride her to the furthest round bale in the pasture, so we could snack together. She was the best friend a girl could have! She kept every secret I ever told her and participated in every dream I had. She was truly a fabulous one of a kind horse. She carried me to a Rodeo Queen title, she won me my first check at a barrel race and she stood Grand Champion mare at my 4H youth show. There is not a memory of her that I do not treasure. And even after losing her 17 years ago, it still breaks my heart.
Special horses are just that, special! But some are extraordinary. I have been so very blessed with the horses that have been a part of my life! Because of what each of them has given me, continues the desire for moving forward with my horses now. I don’t ever see a time in my life that horses will not be a part of it.
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”~Winston S. Churchill
“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.”~Winston Churchill
“In riding a horse we borrow freedom.” ~Helen Thomson
I told you in my last post I want to commit to writing more consistently. So, here’s the plan Stan… I am going to make a constant effort to post Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. I am planning on Friday being “my designated day” of Fitness Friday?!? Whatcha think? I may post additional times but this gives me something to work towards. Ha! Who am I kidding! I will be good staying on track with 3 days a week in the beginning!
Any who… now that we got that out-of-the-way. I need to tell you that I have quit my coffee addiction. And for whatever reason it has really not been that hard… except that every square inch of my office smells like coffee… I mean seriously are we piping this stuff in to the bathrooms as the most fabulous fragrant air freshener ever?!? Or is it just me that smells the fabulous coffee goodness there?? Just me… oh ok! Good to know! I will say I’ve had a headache for like 3 days but I have helped dull it with the Crystal Light Strawberry (WITH CAFFEEINE) packets for my water! I am sure once the headaches subside… I will feel better. I have never had heartburn or indigestion before… but I think I have had it the past few months off and on. I notice it after I drink iced coffee (not the cold brew) but even after certain foods, like chili. I am assuming it is heartburn. Either way, I clearly need to change-up my eating and drinking habits to try to alleviate this issue! Once I get over my addiction, I will still drink it on occasion but I will not drink it every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Peace out iced coffee… stay tasty my friend, lol.
Here I sit dazed and confused without my normal high dose of caffeine. How do people survive without it?!? How did I go so many years without it?!? I know all will be well (FINGERS CROSSED) once I kick the caffeine habit. I hope that I will come out on the other side a better person, lol. I mean I am not looking for a miracle just looking forward to when I can once again function. Onwards and upwards with my day…
On the positive side of this it has increased my water intake! Which is fabulous! Maybe I should give up sugar now?!? Hahahahahaha!! Let’s not get too carried away with things just yet, lol.
Stay Fabulous!
Kim K.
So, I don’t normally do resolutions for New Year’s. I think it is something you do because everyone else is doing it and you never really commit to the changes/improvements/etc. It’s just my opinion but I think this is why people fail with resolutions. You don’t have to have one just because your BFF has committed to losing weight/getting healthy/going to the gym/ or whatever else people plan on New Year’s! I, instead, look back at the last year and see what I want to change and improve upon. I usually do this after the Jan. 1 (because honestly, I am still caught up in everything going on for holidays and ending the year) and decide on things I need to work on, but I don’t “set a resolution”. I feel like there are so many aspects of our lives that we can constantly improve on. So, that is my mission for the year. Sometimes I do a great job at and other years… it does not go as well, lol.
One thing that I know I need to improve this year… My health!! Of course, this includes losing weight and that sounds so cliché after my previous paragraph. But it is true. But more than just losing weight I want to get healthy and fit! I want to feel better when I ride! I want to ride more! I want to be happier every day! My goal is to start putting myself first and be mindful of my health! I feel like my health has spiraled out of control in the last year-ish and I need to do something now to get it together. I have enough scary health issues that run in my family (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) that I know this is something I do not need to put this off. You can follow my “improvements” on my blog and hopefully keep me inspired along the way.
I also plan to blog more consistently! I enjoy writing and I hope you enjoy reading my craziness! So, I am going to get a plan together that I blog at least X number of days. I even thought about have a designated day that I focus more on something… you know like Taco Tuesday, lol, but that does not align with my health improvement. I will work on it. I have a few ideas but I will let you know what I come up with.
Another plan for improvement, push myself out of my comfort zone. What will this entail?!? I have no idea. But I do know they say you only grow as you push yourself! So, let the pushing begin, lol. Maybe a Vlog post? I have no idea but I do want to try new things and push myself to new heights this year. If you have any ideas, please keep them to yourself! HAHA just kidding! I really do want you to share them… But nothing too wild ok, lol.
I do plan to be the same me in the New year, just better! Making improvements as I go.
Stay Fabulous in 2017!
Kim K.
I am not sure what happened to the month of December! But it is gone! And I have not posted at all this month. I did write a couple of blog posts, but never actually got around to posting them (OK… So, I decided to post my Thanksgiving post before this one to get me back on wagon). This month has been so insanely busy that I truly never made time to just get things posted! Here’s to staying on top of things in 2017.
December has been very much a whirlwind of a month. I was preparing for our Christmas party at work which is planning for 40-45ish people. That includes buying a gift for each person in attendance for our white elephant gift exchange. It is a month of head counts, making lists, checking them more than twice, wrapping, shopping, errand running, more shopping, a lot more wrapping and last-minute touches to everything (including last-minute wrapping lol). In between this and after the Company Christmas party I had to finalize my own plans. And it really makes you lose track of things… like the whole month. On top of this I had a huge project at work that I was trying to get completed which included long days, late nights and working on weekends and holidays. So, that is where the loss of the month comes in lol.
This year I just do not feel like Christmas has come and gone. I did not do any of the normal “December” things. I usually have a cookie party… and I did not. I usually bake a lot… and I have not baked a thing since Thanksgiving (maybe the pies scarred me?!?! Lol) I am usually in the Christmas mood, which I never found this year. And to top it off we did not spend Christmas with my whole Family this year and we were running late to the Christmas celebration with my in-laws. I just feel like Christmas was disheveled. So, Christmas 2016 was very blah to say the least. I am sure we will regroup in 2017 and make it fabulous again!
I know what I need to do… Finish out the year with at least one baking project! Be thankful for the family/people we spent time with for the Holidays. Realize that we had an amazingly busy but successful year. Celebrate all our accomplishments this year and learn from our mistakes.
Here’s to hoping you enjoyed your December/2016 and are looking forward to a wildly successful, entertaining, and blessed 2017!
I have been on a whole crazy skin care kick for about a year! I am 32 and I finally decided to do something to take care of skin! It needs it! But this requires 972 different bottles, tubes & packages in my delusional brain. I have literally taken this to a whole new crazy level. I have told you before that makeup (and skin care falls into that category in my opinion) is a real obsession for me! But I mean at this point I am rivaling what Sephora has on their shelves! It absurd! But let’s not dwell on the mounds of craziness that is pouring out of my bathroom and vanity! Let’s instead talk about the good it has done for my skin.
Multiple masks in one night… this is a thing! And if you have not tried it, do it! I had been slacking on using my Clarisonic and moisturizing for a couple of weeks. Plus, I had spent 2 days out in the absurdly cold weather (with a lot of wind), which FYI I am not equipped to do, so my skin was dry, had texture and overall just look blah! So, I decided to conquer this mess. I started with a mild exfoliating cleanser, then I put on my Peter Thomas Roth 24k Gold Mask and lounged in my Lush filled tub for 30ish minutes. I followed that up with the Clarisonic and then Tea Tree oil mask by The Body shop and finally a moisturizing face sheet mask. Can I just say I came out on the other side with all new skin?!? It was fabulous. My skin was dewy, no texture to be found and I felt completely hydrated and refreshed! I would completely recommend this if you really feel like your skin is missing something and needs a recharge! If you have super sensitive skin I am not sure this is the combo for you, but layering masks (that your skin accepts) is good for any type of skin.
On a side note: ***When I went for my first facial the esthetician told me that I would get more benefit from a Clarisonic than the facial. So off to Sephora I went (like I really needed a reason to end up there). I will tell you that was the best thing I ever did for my skin!
I am not super diligent about keeping up with my skin care/makeup routine. We have been over this before. I get busy, I forget or I just simply want to sleep for those extra minutes! My skin does get texture fairly quickly, but other than that it is usually pretty forgiving for my lack of routine. But I have found several products that have really made friends with my skin!! I’m loving it!!
Another tip, go to Sephora!!! They will give you a sample of anything there! Just ask! Perfume, yup! Skin care, check! Makeup, yes that too! So instead of spending crazy Doll-hairs on a product, only to find you truly loathe it (don’t worry they will let you take that back as well) get a sample first. The good thing with this… you can find out if it is worth the money and if you skin is compatible. So just go! See if you end up with the same obsession as me. J
My challenge to myself this year is to put more effort in to my beauty/skin care routine. I would like to challenge you to do the same thing this year! Add something to your routine that makes you feel better and/or look better for the new year!! Make a point to add or expand a skin care routine, add some extra beauty time to your day or just make a point to throw on your favorite mascara before you sashay out the door.
Stay Fabulous
Kim K.
So, Jody and I hosted our first Thanksgiving this year. In case any of you have forgotten (or did not read my earlier posts) let me remind you… my house is TINY!! So, to think that we had a fairly successful Thanksgiving and served 15 people from my itty-bitty kitchen…. I am proud! Let me just say, I could not have done this without my sister, Nissa. When we headed out to the Thanksgiving lunch at my sister-in-law’s house (which was amazing!), she stayed behind and basted the turkey, finished the sides and made Jody’s favorite pie. So maybe Nissa hosted her first Thanksgiving at my house haha!
This little gathering took me (and Nissa) a week of cooking and prepping to be ready. Somewhere in our delusional state of mind we decided to make all our pies from scratch including the crust. So, 9 pies later… we realized we were crazy for attempting this. They were amazing! But it was exhausting to make pie crust from scratch, roll these out and then still make the filling. I should also mention that we learned to make the pie crust from my Godmother, Sylvia, the Sunday before Thanksgiving! We were pushing our luck, lol. But it all came together and that is what matters! It did make the pies so much better! But to say this was a lot of work, that is an understatement.
Half way through our pie crust learning ceremony I realized I should have taken pictures and recorded all our shenanigans for a blog post… but I did not! Maybe a re-do?
The turkey…. Well that came out amazing! Nissa and I used the recipe from America’s test kitchen and altered it slightly (because we honestly did not get enough ingredients at the store). But for our first turkey ever… it was great! It would have been great even if we had made 1,000 others! I was impressed! It was not dry and the skin was crispy! I can’t wait to make another one! I would totally recommend their method/recipe to end up with a delicious turkey.
The sides are always good. Jody made his sweet potatoes! Mom made the dressing! And we had all the normal things… Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Salad, etc. I was just partial to the turkey and the pies this year, lol. The coconut pie… AMAZING!!!
Everyone ate and hung out… nothing too exciting. But someone broke my toilet seat… not sure how that happened and I won’t call anyone out here, lol. But overall it was a very pleasant night, with way too much food.
So, in the spirit of the holiday season… let’s talk about the shopping! We are some of the crazy people who venture out on Black Friday! It is usually Emily and me, but some years Erin will join us and/or one of my nephews, friends, sisters, etc. No matter who is there this is usually our game plan… Eat Thanksgiving dinner, take short nap (if time allows), prepare in your comfiest and warmest clothes to go traipsing through the crowds, find Coffee I large amounts, conquer great sales, avoid all crazy fights, find more coffee, decide next amazing sale to conquer, DO NOT GO TO BEST BUY OR KOHL’S (no sale is worth getting trampled or standing in line for days!), find more coffee and finally find somewhere to have breakfast.
We like to shop! And we like finding good deals! So, black Friday is like our Holy Grail of shopping days (maybe it is not that extreme but you get the idea)! There are typical places that we hit every year, Victoria secret, for all their perfumes, lotions and body sprays! Everyone loves these and they are amazing! Plus, Emily and I have a fascination for their bags that they give on Black Friday. We go through the sales and decide what we want need, and then have a game plan of the best mall/area, etc to hit. The shopping is fun… but the experience… that is worth being tired for days after lol.
Some of the most hilarious things happen during these shopping trips. I contribute 100% of that to the delirious state of mind we possess at the time. I mean it is still funny as hell later, but maybe because our memory is holding the delusional state we were in?!?
One year I needed a new t.v. since ours decided to die shortly before Thanksgiving so I put it off and added it to my Black Friday shopping list and we were off. I mentioned to my in-laws that we would be getting this new t.v. and it just so happens the same thing had just happened to them, so I now had two t.v.’s on my list. We ended up going to two Targets… I don’t remember why or where are logic fell into this madness but Erin and Blake went to one Target and Emily and I went to another. We ended up with both and some other non-sense in our basket… only to discover that packing all our goodies into the backseat of our truck with our little cohorts was quite the task. We had more stops to make so putting everything in the back of the truck was not an option. This was quite comical. Good thing we liked each other.
That same year our breakfast outing was at Denny’s. I was so exhausted by the time we got there I could hardly keep my eyes open. We laughed non-stop, about everything until we were literally crying and I am sure we were the most obnoxious people in the restaurant. I made Erin drive home because I was so tired I didn’t think I could muster the energy to get in the truck let alone drive 45-minutes home! I had apparently parked in a space that would be difficult to get out of on a normal day but it was amplified due to the degree of delusional we had reached. She was cussing me the entire time that we were trying to navigate our way out of the predicament I had landed us in. All the while I was laughing in and out of my head bobbing sudden jerks I was doing after falling asleep. It was quite comical to me. I believe I was even trying to reason with Erin that we should just get a hotel room so we could all nap. She was happy once I had fallen asleep and left her alone for the ride home lol.
One of my truly favorite stories though happened when I was not quite as delirious as the previous story. I do believe Erin had possibly reached that stage though lol. Our shopping was wrapping up a lot quicker than normal, probably due to the fact there were 5 of us to grab, collect and conquer. It was Erin, Emily, Blake, his friend Jamie and me. We started at Wal-Mart (another place I hate to go on Black Friday, because let’s be serious… this place is miserable on any other day of the year, let alone the craziest, busiest shopping day of the year). Jamie had missed the comfortable AND WARM clothing required memo for this excursion. So, he ended up trying on girl’s pajama pants to warm him up. This had us all going early in the night. But let’s jump to breakfast… We were all sitting around the table debating on what we should order when Jamie chimes in to tell us he did not know what he should order because is lactose intolerant. Erin in all her glory decides to jump in and tell him he should stay away from eggs… My head flies around to my left and I say WHAT?!? Thinking she mis-heard him I tell her “Erin, he said he is lactose intolerant” and I kid you not she replies with “I know, so he shouldn’t eat eggs”. I am completely mystified at this point, so my slightly sarcastic reply was “Does Denny’s carry Dairy Eggs now? Are their chickens mooing?” At this point I believe Erin’s lack of sleep subsided enough that she realized what had just gone down. She tried reasoning her way through this but we all know what happens on our Black Friday excursions and we know our intelligence level cannot be judged on these days.
The shopping is fun… but the memories are what makes us do this year after year. We could easily jump online and order what we want but we would miss out on making more memories. At some point during our Thanksgiving dinner we talk about us going and start reminiscing on the shenanigans of Black Fridays gone by… It always makes us excited about this year’s outcome!
Be prepared! Make your list! Take someone who always makes you laugh! And go make some memories!
Stay Fabulous!
Kim K.