The biggest lie I tell myself everyday is “I will remember that” knowing full well my raggedy ass will not remember that shit in 2 seconds let alone in 20 minutes when I am waiting on a coworker to call me back or when I call my husband to tell him something on my drive home. Seriously I must be the most gullible person ever because I continually believe this lie! Like no joke, 100 times per week. What is so crazy about this is I actually used to remember everything!!! Like people used to ask me “you know the vendor we bought that item from once about 7 months ago… who was it. And I could rattle that shit off. Now, I have trouble remembering who I pay my trash bill to every month… and that is not an exaggeration. I would like to say it is but it is not.
This makes me wonder. Is this me aging? Was it a change that I had removing me from my element and starting a new job after more than 8 years? Is it having our faces buried in our phones 24/7 with a lack of real human interaction? I truthfully do not know what has caused this but I do know it drives me batty!
I like sticky notes. No! I love sticky notes. My desk often times looks like I dissected a sticky note stack that day. Seriously people this is what you pay me for… to dissect sticky notes!! haha! Not truthfully but at times it seems that way. It is the only way I remember things… I must write them down. Or your thought, goes through my head, it is processed and put in a tidy little bin where ultimately it was shredded. So this small little 3×3 pieces of paper with a glorious strip of re-stickiness keeps everything together! Let’s just process that craziness for a moment. My day-to-day success depends on 3 inches wide by 3 inches tall… I mean with the exception of a prostitute who else can say that (ha! I kid… don’t be offended. It is a joke damn it)? Or who else wants to say that? lol I will say the advantage to the sticky note addiction is my desk is decorated at all times with multiple colors and even sizes.
But I digress… the whole point to this post is the forgetfulness. I am not THAT old. I mean if this is happening already I for see myself in diapers by the time I am 40. It is the only logical realization in all of this if I am truly aging at this speed. I mean my niece Emily always tells me I am old, but really, who listens to her anyway?!? I assure you not this forgetful old bat anyway. I started trying to do “brain exercises” to stimulate and strengthen my brain. That was super exciting the first two nights. Now I just hit ignore when that crap pops up on my phone reminding me that I had a workout scheduled. Any tips? Ideas? Or is this really where things are headed?
This is what my drive home everyday resembles. It is a blog post that is perfectly thought out… but sadly is forgotten on the drive home. This time fortunately my husband is driving us while we are vacation bound. And it all came back to me. So I whipped out my handy-dandy Mac and went to typing. Which by the way… I love my Mac. It is only a couple of months old but I do love it.
At this point I am not even sure what my point was lol. I am kidding of course, partially. But it does make me wonder are all the things that people say happen to you because you had kids, or you got a more stressful job or blah blah blah… not really things that happen for any of those reasons but just simply because we are aging.
That is it. Think on this more for yourself and let me know your thoughts. Hopefully one day I will figure out how to remember things or the To Do list tattoo on my previous post may become real!
Stay Fabulous!!
We’ve all been there, hoping and wishing for something that we know will make…
I read this quote last night, that I have seen many times before. But it…
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