Learning to Walk Away

We as humans, put so much value, time, patience and work in our relationships. So much so, that when it is time to walk away, we find it extremely difficult. Even when it is in our best interest. Sometimes a job has run it’s course or the season is over for a friendship or relationship. It is such a hard pill to swallow. This is a place that we need to appreciate and value the lesson before us. Realize that if this relationship has run it’s course, you can still value everything you learned and earned. But sometimes the best thing for you mentally and emotionally is to move on.

I remember I left a company that was so incredibly hard, but I knew it was the right decision. It ended up being an amazing decision, but that didn’t make it any less hard. In the process, it felt like the hardest “breakup” at this point in my life. The first six weeks were incredibly difficult for me. I loved where I was, the people were so amazing, but I truly mourned what had ended. It is a lesson that I learned so much from, and I didn’t realize it as I was going through it. Because we can only focus on the hard, the stressful and not what we may be gaining.

I remember an especially powerful statement that hit me like a ton of bricks. The person told me that they could only remember twice in their life where I was not where they expected me to be for them. It made me proud of my loyalty that in 27 years they could only find fault in those two instances. But my thought quickly shifted to the fact that for the last four and half years I had begged, pleaded, clawed, tried and prayed for this person to be where I needed, who I needed and to be loyal to who I had always felt I was to them. After this very deep, emotional conversation, I concluded our season had ended. This was difficult, but I realized it was less difficult than what I had been through the last four and half years. Instead of mourning the end of this season, I decided to celebrate our memories and move forward.

I have always prided my self on loyalty and honesty. I have recently come to the realization that is very rare and I can not expect that from people. Trust what people show you, because that is who they are. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just makes them who they are. Acknowledging that will help you, not them. You can control your actions and reactions, not theirs. Love them for who they are. Just be aware, if your season is over.

We are growing and evolving everyday, with every new challenge and every chapter. With that comes changing seasons and relationships. Value yourself and your current trials and tribulations. You never know where you are evolving to. Don’t fight the end, cherish what has been. There is so much value in learning when to walk away.

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