New Year’s… New Me… Not Really lol

So, I don’t normally do resolutions for New Year’s. I think it is something you do because everyone else is doing it and you never really commit to the changes/improvements/etc. It’s just my opinion but I think this is why people fail with resolutions. You don’t have to have one just because your BFF has committed to losing weight/getting healthy/going to the gym/ or whatever else people plan on New Year’s! I, instead, look back at the last year and see what I want to change and improve upon. I usually do this after the Jan. 1 (because honestly, I am still caught up in everything going on for holidays and ending the year) and decide on things I need to work on, but I don’t “set a resolution”. I feel like there are so many aspects of our lives that we can constantly improve on. So, that is my mission for the year. Sometimes I do a great job at and other years… it does not go as well, lol.

One thing that I know I need to improve this year… My health!! Of course, this includes losing weight and that sounds so cliché after my previous paragraph. But it is true. But more than just losing weight I want to get healthy and fit! I want to feel better when I ride! I want to ride more! I want to be happier every day! My goal is to start putting myself first and be mindful of my health! I feel like my health has spiraled out of control in the last year-ish and I need to do something now to get it together. I have enough scary health issues that run in my family (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) that I know this is something I do not need to put this off. You can follow my “improvements” on my blog and hopefully keep me inspired along the way.

I also plan to blog more consistently! I enjoy writing and I hope you enjoy reading my craziness! So, I am going to get a plan together that I blog at least X number of days. I even thought about have a designated day that I focus more on something… you know like Taco Tuesday, lol, but that does not align with my health improvement. I will work on it. I have a few ideas but I will let you know what I come up with.

Another plan for improvement, push myself out of my comfort zone. What will this entail?!? I have no idea. But I do know they say you only grow as you push yourself! So, let the pushing begin, lol. Maybe a Vlog post? I have no idea but I do want to try new things and push myself to new heights this year.  If you have any ideas, please keep them to yourself! HAHA just kidding! I really do want you to share them… But nothing too wild ok, lol.

I do plan to be the same me in the New year, just better! Making improvements as I go.

Stay Fabulous in 2017!

Kim K.

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