This year I have yo-yoed with dieting, fitness, etc. It has been something I know I need to make a real commitment to, but I had not truly done so, until this month. There are a few driving forces behind it, but mainly it was something Erin and I could do together for the first time in our lives. I would say of the two of us, I have always been health and fitness aware in some fashion. I have done several extreme diets (HCG anyone?), as well as through companies to help you lose weight quickly and I have made longer term commitments to programs like Weight Watchers. Of all the crazy things I have tried, Weight Watchers was by far the most successful. The program teaches you that all food has a value. You have “this much” to spend in a day… you decide if that will be on a cupcake and pizza or more, well-balanced meals throughout the day. I think I could have truly reached my goals on this, if I hadn’t gotten hurt exercising. And to take things a step further, even with dealing with an injury (that I thought at the time was much more severe than it turned out to be) if I had kept with things and not let myself “fall of the wagon”, I would have reached my goals. That is something I am keeping in the forefront of my thought process this go-round.
I have always enjoyed going to the gym, but I like to have someone to workout with. Not that you must be side-by-side or holding hands while skipping to the next machine. But more of the camaraderie you build in the journey you are on. Someone to call when your legs hurt so bad that you contemplating if using the restroom is REALLY that important or can you hold it… for another day?!? Or someone to tell you to get off your lazy @ss and get to the gym, “you have goals to reach that will not be attained from the couch!”. Just to have someone to keep you accountable, on track and working towards the same goals.
I have tried for years to get Erin to join the gym with me… but she was not having that nonsense. So, to say I was shocked when she beat me in joining this go-round is a severe understatement. I was so excited to have someone to go to the gym with! Due to our schedules, we only get to work out a few days a week together, but on those days, we make it count. Like yesterday we took our first ever Zumba class. Erin officially hates me after said class, but we will be back at it tomorrow. It’s truly a love/hate relationship. And we won’t talk about how she felt after leg day. I really enjoy working out with her. I like the fact that we both push each other in areas that the other one of us lacks. We get to the gym to start our program for the day and suddenly two hours has gone by and we are drenched in sweat. It feels good to know each day we have pushed ourselves harder and further than the last.
I will leave it to Erin to share her journey. I am proud of how far she has come on her own. She has made great progress and is not showing any signs of slowing down!
Here’s to you achieving your fitness, weight loss and health goals. We hope to inspire you to be better & stronger in whatever journey you are on.
Stay Fabulous
Kim K.
We’ve all been there, hoping and wishing for something that we know will make…
I read this quote last night, that I have seen many times before. But it…
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